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Importance of Veterinary Care for Pocket Pets

Importance of Veterinary Care for Pocket PetsPocket pets are great additions to your family. Small rodents and mammals are usually considered pocket pets and can include hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, ferrets, and guinea pigs. These pets are loving and loyal and have relatively simple care instructions. Just like a cat or a dog, however, they still need regular veterinary attention. Below, we will take a look at what our doctors can do for your pocket pet.

Pocket Pets Wellness Exam

It makes sense that you want your pet, no matter how small, to be in the best possible health. For this reason, it is important to take your pocket pet in for a routine exam with your veterinarian. The veterinarian can do an inspection of your pet to make sure he or she is in good health. Depending on the type of animal you have, your vet may also perform routine vaccinations. Animals like ferrets require a distemper vaccination when they are very young as well as a rabies vaccination once the animal reaches 12 weeks of age. Taking your pocket pet to the veterinarian’s office is a great way to keep your pet healthy and happy. For a hamster, gerbil, or guinea pig it is estimated that they will see the vet two or three times in the course of their life.

Pocket Pets Spay/Neuter

While traditionally this is something that you think of for your cat or dog, spaying and neutering your pocket pet is a necessity. For larger pocket pets, like ferrets and rabbits, spaying or neutering is a good way to not only control the population but help protect your pet from certain diseases. Not spaying female ferrets, in particular, can lead to dangerous consequences. Unspayed female ferrets can develop very serious anemia. This is because the excess estrogen in their system can prevent their bone marrow from creating new red blood cells. Rabbits also should be spayed or neutered. Having a rabbit that is altered can help prevent dangerous diseases. Various types of cancer can be prevented by having your rabbit spayed or neutered. Additionally, you can significantly reduce urinary tract infections by spaying or neutering your pet.

Pocket Pets Diagnostics

If you notice that your pocket pet has not been acting the same, or if there is a noticeable ailment, a veterinarian will be able to perform diagnostic work on your pet. Diagnostics can include anything from bloodwork to x-rays, to ultrasounds. By being able to look at bloodwork or an ultrasound a veterinarian will be able to better diagnose and treat your pet should an ailment arise. Knowing that a veterinarian is readily available and able to help your pocket pet can make all the difference in the world if your pet becomes sick or injured. Following a diagnostic exam, your veterinarian will be able to prescribe the appropriate medicine or course of action to get your pet feeling healthy and active again.

It is important to understand that just because pocket pets are tiny they still need regular veterinary care. The experts at A to Z Veterinary Clinic are here to help. Our professional and caring team is trained in examining pocket pets and is always accepting new patients. To learn more about the services, contact us today!

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